Tutorial 05 Mesh Refinement


This tutorial introduces you to utilities for performing mesh-refinement. The main comand here is finer_mesh=octosplit(mesh), which splits all tetrahedral cells in mesh by bisecting each edge. This will lead to a subdivision of each tetrahedron into eight new tetrahedra. Such a division is not unique. There are three ways of splitting a tetrahedron into eight new tetrahedra and bisecting all six original edges. octosplit chooses the splitting such that the maximum of the newly created edges is minimized.

Basic set-up

We start with initializing the standard Rijke-Tube example.

using WavesAndEigenvalues.Helmholtz
dscrp=Dict() #initialize model descriptor
dscrp["Interior"]=(:interior, ()) #define resonant cavity
dscrp["Outlet"]=(:admittance, (:Y,1E15)) #specify outlet BC
γ=1.4 #ratio of specific heats
ρ=1.225 #density at the reference location upstream to the flame in kg/m^3
Tu=300.0    #K unburnt gas temperature
Tb=1200.0    #K burnt gas temperature
P0=101325.0 #ambient pressure in Pa
A=pi*0.025^2 #cross sectional area of the tube
Q02U0=P0*(Tb/Tu-1)*A*γ/(γ-1) #the ratio of mean heat release to mean velocity Q02U0
x_ref=[0.0; 0.0; -0.00101] #reference point
n_ref=[0.0; 0.0; 1.00] #directional unit vector of reference velocity
n=0.01 #interaction index
τ=0.001 #time delay
dscrp["Flame"]=(:flame,(γ,ρ,Q02U0,x_ref,n_ref,:n,:τ,n,τ)) #flame dynamics
R=287.05 # J/(kg*K) specific gas constant (air)
speedofsound(x,y,z) = z<0. ? sqrt(γ*R*Tu) : sqrt(γ*R*Tb)
data["abs"]=abs.(sol.v)/maximum(abs.(sol.v)) #normalize so that max=1
vtk_write("test", mesh, data) # Write the solution to paraview
Launching Householder...
Iter    Res:     dz:     z:
0		Inf	Inf	2513.2741228718346
1		3.3678010621822057e6	672.6717790631519	1840.644381094954 + 7.520161245130569im
2		457309.5623268847	125.32039552242728	1715.339813779792 + 9.511880065049507im
3		15754.9202931386	4.636826536115463	1710.7041295613622 + 9.614798251127272im
4		21.537680259244564	0.006356125781386641	1710.697777251291 + 9.615018459456826im
5		4.0497679640740586e-5	1.1951508959367337e-8	1710.6977772393611 + 9.615018460176156im
6		2.0323528713856573e-8	5.993697529856073e-12	1710.6977772393554 + 9.615018460174255im
7		1.7771745094675823e-9	5.429524106964552e-13	1710.697777239355 + 9.615018460173959im
8		8.8049647802073e-9	2.5815690724245293e-12	1710.6977772393525 + 9.615018460173319im
9		5.9259662326431886e-9	1.819114299348317e-12	1710.6977772393543 + 9.615018460173298im
10		1.2897166461979648e-9	4.557489180949226e-13	1710.6977772393539 + 9.615018460173328im
Warning: Maximum number of iterations has been reached!
...finished Householder!
 Householder results
Number of steps: 10
Last step parameter variation:4.557489180949226e-13
Auxiliary eigenvalue λ residual (rhs):1.2897166461979648e-9
Eigenvalue:1710.6977772393539 + 9.615018460173328im
Eigenvalue/(2*pi):272.2660073839612 + 1.5302777158564091im

refine mesh

Now let's call octosplit for creating the refined mesh

mesh: Rijke_mm.msh
points:     6172
lines:      0
triangles:  6248
tetrahedra: 27040
domains: Cold, Flame, Flame_in, Flame_out, Hot, Inlet, Interior, Outlet, Walls

and solve the problem again with the fine mesh for comparison.

#write to file
data["abs"]=abs.(sol.v)/maximum(abs.(sol.v)) #normalize so that max=1
vtk_write("fine_test", fine_mesh, data) # Write the solution to paraview

# If you think that's not enough, well, then try...
mesh: Rijke_mm.msh
points:     42507
lines:      0
triangles:  24992
tetrahedra: 216320
domains: Cold, Flame, Flame_in, Flame_out, Hot, Inlet, Interior, Outlet, Walls


The octosplit-function allows you to refine your mesh by bisecting all edges. This creates a new mesh with eight-times as many tetrahedral cells. The tool is quite useful for running h-convergence tests for your set-up.

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